ArtyBras provides 'uplifting' experience for all

November 3, 2013

An ArtyBra titled Tough Titties by Dub City Derby Girls was modeled by Jennifer Herseim and Kirsten George, as the emcee said, 'Who knows about being tough better than a roller-derby girl?'

A sea of pink flooded into the Lighthouse ArtCenter during the fourth-annual ArtyBras Fashion Show and Exhibition, as 250-plus mostly pink-clad visitors attended.

The money raised through the auction of the whimsically designed bras, as well as sponsorships for the event, will benefit the Margaret W. Niedland Breast Center at Jupiter Medical Center and the Lighthouse ArtCenter, a nonprofit museum and art school. This year's ArtyBras was chaired by Jeff and Veronica Lichtenstein. Sixty-nine handmade creations were showcased.

"ArtyBras was a mixture of nonstop creativity and uncontrollable laughter," Jeff Lichtenstein said. The artists put so much detail and thought into the bras. The hilarious names like Octobrafest and Para-teets were only matched by the crazy catwalks and Barbra Broidy's laugh-a-second emcee work."

"This event raises funds and spirits at the same time, while creating more awareness of the need for mammograms and breast cancer monitoring," said Katie Deits, the Lighthouse ArtCenter's executive director. "Jupiter Medical Center offers great facilities for this. We are lucky to have such a professional organization in our community."

Guests were served pink drinks and pink hors d’oeuvres while they bid on the ArtyBras and voted for their favorites. The People's Choice Award went to Para-teets by Sarah Nastri, who, in turn, awarded it to Norman Gitzen for that artist's hand-forged copper bra accented with polished stainless steel and trimmed with soft leather.

ArtyBras committee members included Broidy, Mary Imle, Sherri Lewman, Sheila McDonald-Bell, Rose Madera, Rose Meyerowich and Terri Wentz.

"As I was walking out the door, a gentleman grabbed me and my wife," Jeff Lichtenstein said. "He lost his mom to breast cancer nine years ago. He was so appreciative for the evening…how so very moving the event was. It makes supporting ArtyBras such a genuinely uplifting experience."

Terri Wentz, Peter Gloggner and Kristina Gostic, of Jupiter Medical Center; Katie Deits, executive director of the Lighthouse ArtCenter; and Veronica and Jeff Lichtenstein, chairs of ArtyBras.



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