This season, Anushka hosted a party to showcase all of her favorite things at Anushka's Spa & Salon at CityPlace in West Palm Beach. On the top of her list was fashionista Lisa Barfield’s one-of-a-kind custom handbags. Also displayed in the salon were Anushka's favorite artist and client Dianne Bernstein's paintings, as well as Magashoni's spring line.
Priced at $3800 to $10,000, Barfield's bags are not inexpensive, however they were a hit. Customers felt like they were in a candy store, and wanted to own them all. Orders were placed and sales totaled around $50,000.
The handbags were such a success that Anushka now features Lisa Barfield's handbags in the salon. Since they are made to order, customers can meet with Anushka and create their own custom bag. For more information, please contact Aliza Byrne @[email protected]
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